Following the significant legislative reform introduced over the past number of years, Finance Act 2022 (“the Act”) is limited by comparison in terms of its impact on the financial services sector. This is perhaps unsurprising given the geopolitical backdrop against which it was presented, which has fuelled an inflationary environment and compounded economic uncertainty as the Irish economy sought to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Budget 2023 was described by the Minister for Finance in his Budget Speech as a “cost-of-living Budget, focused on helping individuals, families and businesses to deal with rising prices”. As a result, there is little by way of material legislative reform in this Act that impacts on the financial services sector in a broad sense. That said, it includes a number of incisive changes which could have a significant impact on financial services taxpayers with certain fact patterns. The Act was signed into law on 15 December 2022, and summarised below are its key measures from a financial services perspective.
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