Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

The Institute’s Annual General Meeting took place on 5 September, and Aoife Lavan was elected as our 49th President. Aoife joined Council in 2014 and has been a valued member of numerous...

President’s Pages

The highlight of Q2 was undoubtedly our Annual Conference, which took place, as usual, in the Galmont in Galway on 19 and 20 April. It was superbly well organised and zipped along...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

First, I want to thank you for renewing your subscriptions and submitting your CPD declarations. We also contacted you seeking your feedback on the services we provide, which has informed the development of...

President’s Pages

The Annual Dinner is always the biggest, most stylish and most convivial night in the Institute’s calendar, and this year’s gathering at the Clayton Hotel on the last Friday night in February...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

The start of the year has been busy, with many in-person events running alongside multiple representations made on behalf of you and your clients....

President’s Pages

The final quarter of the year has its own momentum in the tax world – the Budget, and the month of leaks leading up to it, the publication of the Finance Bill...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

We are coming to the close of another year that has seen much change not just in tax but also in technology, with the fast-paced development of artificial intelligence. The last three...

Interview with New
Institute President,
Tom Reynolds

Tom Reynolds was inaugurated as the Institute’s 48th President at the AGM on 7 September. Tom has worked in senior tax roles in multinational manufacturing industries for the last 28 years, including...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

The Institute’s Annual General Meeting took place on 7 September and Tom Reynolds was elected as our 48th President. Tom joined Council in 2008 and has been a valued member of numerous...

President’s Pages

Quarter 2 got off to a flying start with our return to the Galmont Hotel in Galway for the Institute’s first in-person Annual Conference in four years. There was a great buzz...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

First, I want to thank you all for renewing your subscriptions and submitting your CPD declarations. We also wrote to you requesting you to participate in our research project on the career in...

President’s Pages

It has been a productive and eventful first quarter for the Institute, and the highlight was the Annual Dinner, which returned this year to its customary slot at the end of February....

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

By the end of 2022 I was already anticipating the many familiar and new faces that would join us in-person during 2023. I’m delighted that the first three months have not disappointed,...

President’s Pages

The final quarter is always busy for the Institute and its members, and this year was no different. It kicked off with the publication of the Report of the Commission on Taxation...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

From the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions and a war on European soil to an energy and cost-of-living crisis, 2022 has not been a year that we could have predicted. Yet, as we...

Tribute to Terry Cooney

Terry was a founder member of the then Institute of Taxation in Ireland and attended the legendary first meeting in the Presbyterian Association Hall on St Stephen’s Green that approved the foundation...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

At the Institute’s recent Annual General Meeting, Colm Browne was elected as the 47th President of the Institute. Colm joined Council in 2014 and has been on many Institute committees over the...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

When this time last year is compared to now, it’s clear that we have come a long way. The important Covid-19 supports are being wound down, with Revenue doing the final checks...

President’s Pages

It has been a busy quarter on all fronts in the Institute; it has also been a particularly eventful one as we inched our way back from online through hybrid to in-person...

President’s Pages

It’s been a bizarre start to 2022. We were inching our way back to near normality, after two years of pandemic restrictions, and then Russia launches a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Suddenly,...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

Welcoming our team back to the office after nearly two years was truly enjoyable. The sound of catch-ups and “nice to meet you” introductions as new colleagues met each other for the...

President’s Pages

Historic is an over-used adjective, but as a description of developments in international tax over the last quarter, it is entirely apt. After a decade of intensive negotiation and detailed work by...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

“Winter is coming” is a phrase associated with Game of Thrones, yet it aptly applies to the work of tax advisers. In the last three months alone, Ireland has signed up to...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

We are delighted to welcome Karen Frawley as our 46th President after her inauguration at the Institute’s AGM on 9 September. ...

Sandra Clarke

President’s Pages

Tax has certainly been making the headlines in recent months, nationally and internationally, and the news has implications for our economy and for ourselves, as tax practitioners. ...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive Pages

As economic activity resumes around Ireland and the vaccine drive continues at pace, we dare to be optimistic for the second half of 2021. Across the world, more energy is shifting back...

Sandra Clarke

President’s Pages

We are now in Q2 2021: Covid-19 is still with us and Brexit has certainly not gone away – new year, same challenges. At least, we have a deal on Brexit, even...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

Welcome to our first digital Irish Tax Review (ITR), a product of our commitment to adapt to the needs of our members. By going digital, we are future-proofing ITR, reducing our carbon...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

Introduction Autumn is always a busy season for the Institute, and this year was no exception. We are all well accustomed by now to remote working and hosting webinars online. However, moving big...

Sandra Clarke

President’s Pages

It has been an extraordinarily busy and stressful time for practitioners all over the country. Never in my working life have there been so many schemes and measures requiring so much administration...

Martin Lambe

Chief Executive’s Pages

Over the summer months, the Institute made the necessary changes to the layout of its offices to ensure that it complies with the safety standards set out by the health and safety...